Wednesday, March 31st, 2010

You might be asking yourself, ‘why is she warning when she usually challenges, encourages, and releases us to dream?’

Well, it IS a warning and I do admit, one with a little tongue-in-cheek…

When we have prepared the canvas of our mind, sketched, colored, and painted our heart onto the canvas, we cannot help but begin to share it with others.  Hints and clues will slip past our lips as passion and expectation begin to wick up from our heart.

We may find ourselves captivated by its reflection in the middle of the afternoon when life and situations press against us and demand us to hope for something different.

The more we play with that dream, speak that dream, see that dream as replacing our now, the more distain grows for our current state.

Like the mother eagle that prepared the nest for the young she would raise, we create and nurture our dreams until they grow to a place of change.

The eagle weaves together strong twigs and limbs, then fills it with foliage and lines it with the fur of its prey; she creates a place for nurture and protection.  The eaglets are kept comfortable by the fur that lines the now brittle, hard and sharp limbs that have been their structure of safety.

When it is time for them to do and be what they were created for, the mother eagle rips out the fur with her talons, clawing and pulling until the only thing left is the sharp harsh structure of the nest.  The eaglets no longer have a place of comfort in which to retreat from the challenge to soar the heights and skillfully harness the torrents of wind and weather.

Like the eaglets pushed out of their comfort to soar and be, so our dreams will push us out of the comfort of our norm, now mediocre, life that no longer satisfies us when seen in the comparative reflection of our dreams we have nurtured and raised in our hearts. We are no longer comfortable, but restless and unsettled wanting something more.

The young eagles are perched on the edge of their nest of safety looking over the ledge, hidden in the cliffs and heights—talons clinging to the sharp ledge as the high winds press against their chests.  The mother grabs them with her strong talons and takes flight to even higher heights, then releases them mid air, watching them freefall until their natural instinct and design is activated… wings open up and begin to grab the atmosphere bringing upward movement and the beginning of flight.

Like the eagle, dreamers who have dreamed on purpose with purpose, come to the place of freefall.  It’s all or nothing.  It is the place of willingness—willing to do whatever it takes for the dream to be realized.

This is where I warn… dreamers beware.

Dreaming and following the path that unfolds WILL require willingness. Willing to step up, step out and even step away from the things, people and places we have held dear and justified in order to stay where we have been.

You may have to leave family, friends, economic and social status that kept you from reaching your potential and enlarging your capacity.  You may have to leave the small pond where you’ve been the big fish—comfortable and in control, to enter wide-open spaces of purpose so you can grow and become fully alive and strong.  You may have to choose to put yourself in awkward spaces until you can maneuver in deep waters with those who are movers and shakers.

One thing I can guarantee, you WILL have to do whatever it takes.  And when you do, you will have to deal with you—your emotions, your identity, your thoughts, your beliefs and perceptions.

If you do whatever it takes and you deal with yourself in a healthy, truthful, respectful manner and follow your heart’s dream, you will step into your dream.

This is where I say dreamers beware.

Dreaming and following the path that unfolds WILL require willingness. Willing to step up, step out and even step away.

Dreaming isn’t for talkers.  It’s for those that will follow their mouth and do what it takes to fulfill the dream… I’m just saying, beware.

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