Preparing the Canvas…

Friday, March 26th, 2010

We know that dreams are the images and desires that are held with great expectation deep within our hearts.  They are what we long to be and do that will yield fulfillment for our life.  It’s not enough to just lay our heads down at night and play the possibilities on the screens of our mind.  Dreams come true when we dream with purpose and on purpose.

Dreams are images that capture ideas, plans, people, potential, and possibilities.  Our mind does not discern whether an image is real or not.  It sees images as reality and is designed to respond or react and work with those images to find solutions and creative plans, in order to realize what is captured in the images.  That is what the brain was designed to do; yet we often do not leverage that potential.

Knowing that our brain awaits the opportunity to get moving to create and plan, we can provide the images we want in our life, relationships, and careers and dream on purpose.

Dreaming on purpose isn’t merely running a quick video clip across the empty canvas.  It is sketching, chalking or painting our desires, motives, abilities, potential and outcomes on a canvas that is ready to hold the color and texture in place without decay.

Like an artist prepares the canvas before he brings to life the images he holds inside, we need to prepare our canvases.  We need to make time in our life to dream—we need to create space in time and proximity for dreaming.

When and how often do you dream?  Is it when you are exhausted at the end of the day and you can barely lift an image onto the forefront of your mind before deep breathes fill your chest and your body falls deeply into a state of rest that it has longed for?

Do you dream, as a check-the-box accomplishment because your life is too full and dreaming is not yet a priority in your life?  Is your answer, “I’ll get to it later” or “I don’t have time to dream”?

These are not examples of preparing the canvas for our dreams.  Dreaming on purpose requires you and I to block out time in our day or week that we refuse to allow anything else to cross over the boundaries set with purpose and rob us of time to create our future.

Dreaming requires time and because we usually give time to what we really believe is valuable, we need to value the dream and give time to the dream.

We need time enough to quiet our mind from the clamor of the day and challenges in our world.  Time to unplug from the now and look into the future with focus, mission and passion.

Where do you dream?  Is it in bed with a pillow tucked softly under your cheek at the end of a long day?  Where?

Where is it that you can go and find a place that your soul enjoys, finds rest and can tap into a creative energy; away from the loud and now?  Is it on the quiet, off-season, free of sun-seekers beach, or the corner table in a coffee shop?  Is it sitting on a balcony or in front of a window view, high above the clamor on the streets?  Is it in your favorite room surrounded by colors, textures and fabrics that make it easy to turn the creative energy on?  Where do you dream?

If we want something different in our life, if we want the cry of our heart to be expressed in our everyday life, it will require a dream.  If we want to fulfill the full measure of our creation, we will have to prepare the canvas of our heart and mind and dream.

It is said, to do the same thing day in and day out and expect something different is insanity.

To change the course of our life we will need a dream.

Dreams that come true are dreams that are dreamt on purpose and with purpose.  I challenge you today, dream on purpose and make the time and a place for the dream.

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